Company: De Bruin Process Equipment
entrepreneur: Dries de Bruin

De Bruin Process Equipment

The story of De Bruin Process Equipment began in 2005 when calf farmer Dries de Bruin and his sons Peter and Arjan built their own storage tank on the farm. Calves receive, among other things, milk to drink from the calf farmers, a component of which is whey. In 1998, Dries installed a tank for liquid whey, which brought its own financial benefits. Soon neighbors also wanted such a storage tank and the whey supplier kept getting asked for tanks. This is how De Bruin Tankbouw (Tank Building) was born. For the first few years, storage tanks were mainly produced for the agricultural sector, but after the completion of a large industrial hall in 2009, they also started to handle requests for storage and process tanks for the food and chemical industry.

Solar Panels: Made in Uddel

In 2015, G2 Energy was acquired. G2 Energy is a manufacturer of solar panels and solar boilers and supplies them directly to the end user or via an installer. Calf farmers use solar panels to heat water for the milk, pig farmers for underfloor heating, greenhouse horticulture for heating greenhouses, etc. In the recreational sector, they are used to heat swimming pools and showers, besides heating buildings for hot water in apartments or healthcare facilities, with various opportunities for the food processing industry.

Second Location in Zutphen

In 2020, De Bruin Tankbouw purchased the factory building, machines, and quality assurance systems of Terlet Zutphen. Tanks and boilers have been produced there at the highest level for over 100 years. The acquisition also led to a division in storage tank building. In Uddel, the focus is on tanks for the non-food industry, while in Zutphen all the food tanks are produced. The separation between the production locations ensures that the special treatment necessary in the food industry remains guaranteed. The company name was then also changed to De Bruin Process Equipment.

Their own engineering department designs the tanks and boilers, and it is also possible to have a complete production line assembled, including piping, fittings, and controls.


De Bruin Process Equipment is growing rapidly and now employs more than 70 employees spread over both locations. Further growth is expected in the future, and they are also looking abroad, for instance, in the growing German market.

Export countries: Australia, Belgium, Germany, UK, Ireland, Italy, Austria, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland.

Company: De Bruin Process Equipment
entrepreneur: Dries de Bruin

De Bruin Process Equipment

The story of De Bruin Process Equipment began in 2005 when calf farmer Dries de Bruin and his sons Peter and Arjan built their own storage tank on the farm. Calves receive, among other things, milk to drink from the calf farmers, a component of which is whey. In 1998, Dries installed a tank for liquid whey, which brought its own financial benefits. Soon neighbors also wanted such a storage tank and the whey supplier kept getting asked for tanks. This is how De Bruin Tankbouw (Tank Building) was born. For the first few years, storage tanks were mainly produced for the agricultural sector, but after the completion of a large industrial hall in 2009, they also started to handle requests for storage and process tanks for the food and chemical industry.

Solar Panels: Made in Uddel

In 2015, G2 Energy was acquired. G2 Energy is a manufacturer of solar panels and solar boilers and supplies them directly to the end user or via an installer. Calf farmers use solar panels to heat water for the milk, pig farmers for underfloor heating, greenhouse horticulture for heating greenhouses, etc. In the recreational sector, they are used to heat swimming pools and showers, besides heating buildings for hot water in apartments or healthcare facilities, with various opportunities for the food processing industry.

Second Location in Zutphen

In 2020, De Bruin Tankbouw purchased the factory building, machines, and quality assurance systems of Terlet Zutphen. Tanks and boilers have been produced there at the highest level for over 100 years. The acquisition also led to a division in storage tank building. In Uddel, the focus is on tanks for the non-food industry, while in Zutphen all the food tanks are produced. The separation between the production locations ensures that the special treatment necessary in the food industry remains guaranteed. The company name was then also changed to De Bruin Process Equipment.

Their own engineering department designs the tanks and boilers, and it is also possible to have a complete production line assembled, including piping, fittings, and controls.


De Bruin Process Equipment is growing rapidly and now employs more than 70 employees spread over both locations. Further growth is expected in the future, and they are also looking abroad, for instance, in the growing German market.

Export countries: Australia, Belgium, Germany, UK, Ireland, Italy, Austria, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland.